Improper shutdown. The printer was not shut down properly. Press and hold the User button to set the printer to Ready. Always use the Power button to power off the printer.Click OK on the PC to clear ...
Magstripe data not found. The printer did not find magnetic stripe data on card. Make sure that you are using magnetic stripe cards that match the printer settings.Make sure that the cards are placed ...
Card not picked. The printer did not pick a card. To complete the current card: For printers with an input hopper Open the input hopper.Add or reposition cards.Close the hopper. For printers with sing...
Print ribbon problem. The print ribbon is not moving properly. Open the printer and remove the ribbon cartridge.Reposition, repair, or replace the ribbon and advance the repaired area one full turn.Re...
Magstripe read no data. The printer did not find any magnetic stripe data on the card. The card will be canceled. Make sure that you are using magnetic stripe cards that match the printer settings.Mak...
Print ribbon out or missing. The printer does not have usable ribbon. To complete the current card: Open the printer and remove the ribbon cartridge.Install a new ribbon and cleaning roller.Replace th...